Don’t be creative, don’t be original and certainly don’t be exclusive. In DGTL Detox’s and Big Potato’s Herd Mentality, you have to go along with […]
Lees verderCategorie: Board Games
Review: Dungeon Heroes (Gamelyn Games) – English
Four heroes enter a compact and dark dungeon full of the usual dangers such as monstrous monsters and entrapping traps. Dungeon Heroes is a dungeon […]
Lees verderReview: Dungeon Heroes (Gamelyn Games)
Vier helden betreden een compacte en duistere kerker vol met de gebruikelijke gevaren zoals monsterlijke monsters en verstrikkende valstrikken. Dungeon Heroes is een kerker in […]
Lees verderReview: Run, Ghost, Run! (Letheia) – English
Horror and Halloween go hand in hand, and what could be more clichéd and terrifying than a ‘haunted’ hotel! Especially thanks to Stephen King’s Overlook […]
Lees verderReview: Spokenchaos (Letheia)
Horror en Halloween gaan hand in hand en wat is nou clichématiger en angstaanjagender dan een ‘haunted’ hotel?! Vooral dankzij Stephen King’s Overlook Hotel uit […]
Lees verderPreview: Factions of Sol (Mark IV Games) – English
What if mankind could travel towards the stars much earlier, namely in 1927? In the alternative timeline of Factions of Sol humanity ushered in the […]
Lees verderPreview: Factions of Sol (Mark IV Games)
Wat als de mensheid al veel eerder, namelijk in 1927, richting de sterren kon reizen? In de alternatieve tijdlijn van Factions of Sol luidde de […]
Lees verderReview: Vengeance Roll & Fight (Mighty Boards) – English
Revenge is a classic theme in literature and film. A great example is Uma Thurman as the bride who, after being betrayed by her ex-lover […]
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