Review: IQ Mini Hexpert (Smart Games) – English

On vacation or while traveling (short or long), small games and puzzles are ideal to kill some time. Smart Games has many puzzles in its range from large to small to mini.

Smart Games has been an expert for many years now in different types of puzzles and puzzle games for young and old. They make puzzles where you have to put objects in the right order, abstract puzzles, 3D puzzles, puzzles with magnets and puzzles with all kinds of different themes. There is always something for fans of puzzles.

Smart Games has several “classic” puzzles in which puzzlers must (re)place the different shapes in the right order. Many of these puzzles are part of the IQ series such as the IQ Twins puzzle which we reviewed earlier. The IQ Mini is the little brother of the IQ puzzles and the IQ Mini Hexpert offers a fun variation on this concept for endless and challenging fun.

Players put the three white pins in any position and now try to put back the different puzzle pieces. There is always at least 1 solution. Simple. Entertaining. Addictive.