Review: Fish & Katz (HeidelBÄR Games) – English

In Fish & Katz, players take on the role of kleptomaniac cats trying to score a tasty fish at the fish market, but if another cat (or other cats) has it in for the same fish, the age-old adage applies: if there are multiple cats fighting over the same food, things might get fishy.

The catfighting cats put their best foot forward, and all players therefore wear a cute, knitted/crocheted (I’m not really sure what exactly, but it’s soft. Perhaps ask the cats of Calico?) cat paw around their index finger before players begin a game of Fish & Katz. With this protected finger, players will point to their desired fish.

Fish & Katz is played during multiple rounds. At the end of a round, players score points for each set of three of the same fish. Other cards unfortunately swim away again and score no points. Once a player has 6 or more points at the end of a round, this cat-friendly game is already over.

How do players steal fish? Each round, as many cards are placed on the table as the number of players plus 1. Players now all simultaneously select a card and then simultaneously point to this card as well. Players may not change their choice while pointing. Players receive their chosen via unless another cat also tries to steal this fish, these players both fish next to the net. Some fish have a bit more points than other fish, so choose smartly and try not to make the same choice as your feline competitors. If you manage to catch the grabbing octopus, you will not receive any points, but you can then steal a fish from another player.

Fish & Katz is particularly a family game suitable for younger children. You can have a great laugh with this game when players make the same choices and players fish wrong as a result. The frequent player will obviously miss the depth here, but then that is not the target audience for such a game. The cute cat paws finish it off and are actually already a reason to have this game in your collection.