A heavy rainstorm when your umbrella just decides it’s going to break. A tire blowout when you still have 15 kilometers to cycle. A tear in the garbage bag that causes your entire kitchen to be covered in garbage bag juice or you discover mold on the underside of your hamburger when you have already consumed 60% of it. Shit Happens, but there are varying degrees of misery. Do you know how to give this misery its proper place?
Shit Happens is a popular party game in the gross humor category. This puts it in the same cabinets of fans of Cards Against Humanity and What Do You Meme? Previously this game appeared in the English language, but now “Shit Happens” is also available for “characters who can’t speak English.”

In the game Shit Happens, each player tries to be the first to get 10 cards in the correct order. Each player gets 3 random cards at the beginning, puts them in order of misery (the number at the bottom of a card indicates the degree of misery) and players can start playing.
Each turn, the player next to the active player draws a card and shows it to the player without revealing the number. The active player must now indicate where this card belongs on his timeline of misery. If this player is correct, he may place the card on the timeline and otherwise the next player may take a guess. If no one is correct, the player who revealed the card gets to place it in front of him.
Shit Happens focuses mainly on the humor of the situations presented to the players, as the game concept is otherwise very simple and still quite reasonably motivated by luck. Of course, certain situations are objectively significantly more miserable than others, but whether something is miserable is largely subjective, making it difficult at times to make the right guess. So the fun is mainly in the humorous interaction between players and the reaction to the gradation of misery. Players can use game play to discuss the various cards to get to know each other a little better. For fans of cruder humor and who are not averse to some randomness.