Do you enjoy playing party games, but in games like 30 Seconds and Trivial Pursuit, a lack of trivial knowledge is fatal? In Name 5, a brain full of pub quiz facts may be relevant, but a lot less relevant to victory. Indeed, trivial knowledge remains fairly trivial in Name 5. The important thing is not to give a specific answer, but to name 5 things in a category.

Name 5 is a party game where the title actually reflects the gameplay as well. Within 30 seconds, players (usually) have to name 5 answers based on a category. Example: name 5 emotions or name 5 banks. At least, that was indeed the gameplay in the original version of Name 5, but this edition includes extra challenges consisting of different tasks.
Name 5 can be played with 2 players, as well as 2 teams consisting of as many players as you want, but remember: too many cooks spoil the broth. Teams are divided, players shuffle the cards, set up the game form and place the dice and hourglass within easy reach.
The team on turn rolls the dice with the colors and moves their pawn to the nearest square. Next, this team rolls the assignment die to determine which assignment they will face. This die contains multiple tasks such as Classic Name 5 (five answers must be given to a category within 30 seconds), double or nothing (players may continue to play in order to advance on the board, but if they fail they must go all the way back to where they started that turn) or a type of duel where the team that is the last to fail to answer a category has lost.
The reward for winning a turn is usually that you can move your pawn further across the game board. The team that completes the last challenge on the board first wins.

There are many party games that revolve around answering trivia questions and often within a certain amount of time. The concept of Name 5 is therefore not earth-shattering, but because the trivia knowledge is only trivial, the game is more accessible to players whose brains are not necessarily full of facts about pop culture or other things. Also, by no means are all the questions focused on actual trivial knowledge, but rather focused on answering under time pressure. Do you like the concept of this type of party game, but does your lack of trivia knowledge sometimes hold you back? Then Name 5 might be for you. Already a fan of the original Name 5 or the card game? The additional challenges provide new ways of gameplay and variety.