“Great Scott!” the catchphrase of crazy inventors like Doc Brown from the Back to the Future films. Electrocute yourself to get some crazy hair and even crazier ideas and try to sell the craziest inventions to your friends in the wacky party game for inventors and mad geniuses: Great Scott!
Players get a hefty hand of cards that they use to add a component to their inventions each turn. Inventions must always consist of three different concepts (numbered I, II and III) and two things/objects/animals/possessions (called assets). At the beginning of the game, players form 5 separate draw piles with these cards. Each player is also given a number of point cards, which they must use to reward other players during the game after players have presented their inventions.

Players start with 10 cards, but each turn they draw a card and place one of the five parts of their invention closed on the table. After this, they pass their hand cards to the next player and reveal one part of their invention. This continues until everyone has an invention with five different parts. Both the concepts and assets have different categories, points and names. Players receive the points depicted on the inventions, but also more points if they manage to combine cards in the same categories, but not entirely unimportant: also for alliterating names.
Players receive points not only for their set of cards, but also based on the presentation of their invention. Each player gets about a minute to give an elevator pitch about their invention. Humour and creativity is important here, as the other players reward the, in their eyes, best invention and also the runner up. After three rounds, players have created inventions, presented them and earned points. The player with the most points, gets to enter Dragon’s Den to find an angel investor.
Great Scott! is a suspiciously comprehensive party game that combines creativity, humour and social interaction with a simple set collector. Think Cards Against Humanity combined with Sushi Go. The rules are simple and, with the right groups, the presentations are hilarious. Often, party games with a social element are not for everyone, but in Great Scott! you earn most points mainly by putting sets together, making it playable for even the most introverted player at the table.