The Akropolis of Athens is the city fortress of Ancient Athens. The Akropolis is built on a table mountain in the center of the city center. High above the city: akro polis.
In the game Akropolis, players are also going to build new raised areas of their cities. In doing so, they are going to build (in) to a certain height. They are going to place tiles side by side and on top of each other to place different districts and squares in such a way that they earn the most points. By the way, don’t forget the quarries….

Depending on the number of players, you use a certain amount of tiles. The back of the tiles conveniently shows the quantity for which they are used. Make x number of equal stacks, give each player a starting tile and depending on the order, a number of tiles. Lay out the market of tiles and players are ready to play.
Each turn, the active player takes a new tile. The player can take the closest tile for free, but must pay a tile or tiles further down the market. You place the chosen tile adjacent to previously placed tiles or on top of at least two other tiles. If you build over a quarry you get a stone.

As soon as there is only 1 tile left in the market, it is replenished and the next player becomes the starting player of the new round.
In addition to quarries, tiles also show districts and squares. Each district scores in a specific way and the amount of points depends or the amount of squares belonging to the district. The higher the districts, the more points they earn
Akropolis is a delightful brainteaser. The gameplay itself is tremendously simple and intuitive, but the puzzle consists of multiple dimensions, as you also go up in height. Choose the right lines. Choose the right positions. Build enough quarries and cleverly combine districts and squares for the most points. A deserved winner of toy of the year if it’s up to me.