This is Halloween and more and the scary ones are arising out of the darkness. You get to take on the role of a skeleton, an evil villain and a mean witch in the Thrills and Chills expansion for Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances.
Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances is a skirmish game system where players assemble a small army of different Disney and/or Pixar characters. A core set is available which is necessary to start playing. The core set already contains a wide and varied selection of characters, but several expansion sets are available (and announced) so that in the future everyone can play with their favourite Disney and/or Pixar characters.
Players will control their team of characters in the game. Players can earn points by defeating other player’s characters or by conquering certain spaces on the game board. As soon as a player reaches 20 points or if a draw pile is empty, the round is completed and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Previously, the expansion Turning the Tide was released, adding water-related characters and items to the base game. Now it’s time to get spooky and haunting in Thrills and Chills. Thrills and Chills adds ghostly characters. These characters are perfect for Halloween like Jack Skellington from Nightmare before Christmas, The Horned King from the Black Cauldron (surprisingly dark classic) and Mother Gothel from Rapunzel.
These characters use new types of attacks and skills clearly inspired by their twisted characters to make the already epic battles in the Arena even more terrifying and powerful.
Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances is the perfect and light-hearted skirmish game for Disney and Pixar fans where players can assemble teams with their favourite Disney and Pixar heroes and villains and compete against each other in an easily expandable and varying game. So for fans of this game, this expansion is definitely recommended.