Wingspan is a true frequent flyer among board games. Immensely popular with players who are just starting out and players who already have more feathers on their face. Wingspan is a nest of beautifully illustrated birds, atmosphere and, thanks to the almost innumerable amount of birds, goals and various extensions, inexhaustible varied. Meanwhile, a digital version of the game has also been released and developed by Monster Couch for those players who like to play Wingspan on the go, prefer a digital solo mode or digital multiplayer, or prefer to keep all those beautiful game components in mint condition in a closed box. I get to spread my digital wings and take you flying sky high introducing Wingspan on the Switch!

Wingspan is, in a nutshell (eggshell?), a game where players can take different actions in different turns each round. Players will play bird cards for special bonuses and to improve actions. Players need to carefully plan their actions and more importantly the order of these actions to get the engine of their incubator going and keep it running.
An important part of the allure of Wingspan are the beautiful illustrations of the many different birds. The artwork in the digital version on the Switch is, again, excellent. The digital game environment is detailed and animated.

Like many of you, I have the Wingsong app on my phone. This app allows you to scan cards while playing a game of Wingspan and you get to hear the corresponding bird. This fantastic element is also integrated into the video game. When you watch bird cards, you hear their songs, whistles, (lure) calls and screeches.
In terms of control, it is still a bit of a trial and error and if you are playing for the first time, you can sometimes make a mistake (if you click too far, you may even make an irreversible one). Cardboard, wood and plastic are easier and more intuitive to manipulate for this kind of game than a series of clicks.

The app is well put together and knows how to translate the enchanting atmosphere of the board game excellently for those who are looking for a digital version of their favourite wing game.