“Never judge a book by its cover”, according to a well-known English saying. That also applies to the game Disc Cover, published by Blue Orange Games. In Disc Cover, you get to decide which cover fits the best based on the music. If you are looking for a fun party game in the same vein as Dixit and Detective Club, this cacophony of fun will be like music to your ears.
In Disc Cover, you will collectively guess which of the four original album covers belongs to the song you hear. The album covers are made especially for this game, so unfortunately no Aladdin Sane, Dark Side of the Moon or T.S. 1989. But beautiful original works by artists from all around the world!

The game’s creators have created all kinds of Spotify playlists to use for this game. But if you like to play your gangsta rap or pirate shanties, you can play the music your ears desire. That makes Disc Cover nice and varied.
Each player anonymously chooses an album cover that would best suit the song you hear. Players do this using the dials included with the game. The album with the most votes “wins” and is placed at the album mosaic with one token per vote cast on that album. After nine rounds, the tokens are added up and your final score is calculated. Sounds like music to your ears, doesn’t it?
As mentioned at the beginning, Disc Cover is an alternative to games like Dixit but with a happy note. A game that doesn’t bore easily despite its simple gameplay. Encore! 🎷