I have a love for bling bling in terms of board games. I like to spend money on fancy components and metal coins – I also have a soft spot for a good storage system. Nothing ruins my gaming enjoyment more than a disorganized box full of little plastic baggies that an average drug dealer would envy. Another pet peeve? Games that take a long time to set up due to their organisational impossibility. The solution: inserts. Fortunately, there are many companies that ingeniously design inserts for game boxes. One such company is InMyBox. What’s in a name? What’s in the box!?

InMyBox designs and produces laser-cut wooden inserts for board games to make life a lot easier. They gave me the opportunity to organise up two of my games. The test cases: Galaxy Trucker and Sanctum, a pair of games from Czech Games Edition, full of different components begging to be sorted and organized. InMyBox offers the choice of shipping the inserts already assembled. Assembling the inserts yourself is a fun job, but you do need a rubber mallet for best results. YouTube has videos with step-by-step instructions for assembling your trays.

After you’ve done assembling this building kit for grown-ups, you’re left with a beautiful and sturdy product. A big advantage of the InMyBox inserts are the many trays with lids that keep parts in place and the ingenious “curved” trays that allow your fat and Cheetos-smeared fingers to easily grab components from the trays of your favorite game. Put a lid on that! InMyBox also includes a sticker sheet with each insert that you can place in the bottom of your game box as a reminder of where each tray should be in the box. Very handy indeed!

InMyBox makes very nice and useful products. Time to clean up those game components, because good riddance!