Review: Pixies (Bombyx) – English

In the forest live pixies, magical forest dwellers who hide among trees, bushes, leaves and other greenery. In the game Pixies, players proceed to place these creatures in a tableau to earn the most points. Worth mentioning: all the artwork are photos of crafts with materials found in the forest and nature. How cool is that?

In addition to the beautiful cards, Pixies contains elegant gameplay above all. In the game, players start collecting cards to add to a grid of 3 by 3 cards. Players earn points based on the cards collected, but it’s more than just a set collection and that’s because of the unique way players earn points and assemble their grid.

In turn, the active player takes a card from the market and places it on his grid. The number on card corresponds to the spot on the grid where players can/should place the card. When you have filled a space on the grid it is filled, but not necessarily full yet. If a player picks up another card with a number from a location that has already been filled, that player has a choice to place that card upside down under the earlier card or just turn that earlier card and place the new card on top of it. Such a space is now full, and for full spaces you earn points. What if you cannot place a card in the correct location? This card you closed to place on an empty spot and you may not turn this card over.

When a full grid is filled a round comes to an end and you earn (minus) points for collected pixies, your largest continuous collection in the same color and for full squares. After three rounds the game ends.

A fairy-like and super cool designed game.