Review: Collect A Lotl / Collect A Zombie (White Goblin Games) – English

Would you rather collect an aquarium full of cute fish (Axolotls) or would you rather collect a horde of undead creeps? White Goblin Games has you both options in this new card game concept from Lars Jansen where players collect cards to score the most points.

The collect series of games is a simple set collector where players earn points for cards they place in their four columns. Players receive exponentially more points for cards in the color that appears most often in their column, but they also receive bonus points if colors appear in each column. However, the cards must first be played centrally before players may add them to their personal collection, and that is precisely the challenge.

Players generally have four cards in hand at the beginning of a turn. In the center of the table are two rows, each with four cards numbered a through b. This corresponds to each player’s four columns. A player may play 1 or 2 cards of the same suit in either of the two rows, but no other card may be present yet at a number in a row, nor may the suit be present yet in the row.

Once a row has been completed, it is “drafted” amongst the players. Starting with the player who completed the row, each player may take a card each time. These can be the cards, Axolotls or Zombies depending on the version you play, but also action cards next to the rows are distributed to the platers. The card you take must be placed on the corresponding spot in your collection. This forces players to puzzle with the placement of their cards in the hope that other players do not take these cards in order to place them in the correct spots. Players must also avoid placing cards in such a way that other players can take them, which makes for a simple yet intriguing game.