Bonsai is a very cosy and relaxing game where you’re tending and growing your bonsai tree!! You gain tiles and try to place them in the best way to score the most points.

As for the solo experience , the game reminds me a lot of gentle rain!! It’s quick and very relaxing. Even though the solo mode is BRUTAL!! Very hard to win in the solo mode, but I do love a challenge!! The rulebook even provides some solo scenarios which I very much appreciate. Without the solo scenarios I feel like the game would be a little repetitive after a while.
As for the multiplayer experience, the game is definitely very fun! Also a quick game multiplayer. Sometimes you just need that perfect 30min game and this definitely qualifies!! The multiplayer and solo basically work the same which is great!!

You have goals that you’re trying to achieve and you can switch those out for more replayability. I do think if you play this a lot you will just find the best way to make your tree and play the same way every time. Overall Bonsai is a wonderful family puzzely tile placement that would fit the shelves of many!!
Want to experience the game alongside me? Go an watch the video!